Douglas appears in “NewsHour with Jim Lehrer” Segment

Update (6/24/09, 7:15 pm) – I forgot to include the fact that you can see the entire presentation from LaidffCampLA (where they recorded these clips) on this blog under Video: Visibility and Your Career from LaidOffCampLA.

During LaidOffCampLA back on May 1, 2009, The News Hour with Jim Lehrer sent a crew to record the sights and sounds for an upcoming report. I just found out that that story has now appeared.

Jobless Find a Creative Voice in Southern California is an overview of the issues with layoffs and downsizing and LaidOffCampLA plays a small part. I have 2 nice quotes in the video, so I wanted to pass it along to you. You will see me briefly starting around 6:50 in the video.



Click to watch this PBS NewsHour video



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3 Responses to Douglas appears in “NewsHour with Jim Lehrer” Segment

  1. John V. Fauver says:

    Great quotes, Doug. Too bad you were not given more time to talk. (Of course, Career Opportunities gives you plenty of air time!)

    I’m not laid off, but I am putting things together for the possibility – everyone in Michigan is at risk! (The old billboard of “Last person out of Michigan, turn off the lights” is more true now than ever!) Part of my plans do involve a career change, and I am not putting out a printed resume for the change.

  2. Mike McBride says:

    Nice work Douglas. Way to get that major media attention! 🙂

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