It’s OK To Change Your Mind In Your Life And Career from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” [Audio] (0:43)

A Clip from “It’s Your Career, After All” with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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It's OK To Change Your Mind In Your Life And Career from

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Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development – Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen


So, thinking, it all comes back down to that thinking. Taking the time, for yourself, to think about what you want to do and making — changing your mind. We seem to be locked in these days about where it’s a bad idea to change your mind. It’s like “I think this right now. Convince me! If you think differently, tell me — don’t berate me. Don’t abuse me. Don’t call me stupid. Educate me about why your opinion is better and I just might change my mind.” It’s Ok to change your mind. We all grow. We all change. We all discover new things about our world. It’s ok to change your mind, but too many of us get locked into the thinking, “Well, I can’t change my mind, because then I’ll look stupid or waffly or I’ll look whatever.”

Previous talks for Pepperdine:

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