Take Small Risks Every Day from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch [Video Clip]

A clip from this longer presentation — Douglas E. Welch presents “Transition as the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on February 27, 2015.

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Also mentioned in this talk is “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North”, an Amazon Kindle booklet

Take Small Risks Every Day from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch



I’m not saying you need to go go and jump out of airplane. Climb a volcano. Base jump off a skyscraper. Ok. I have no desire to throw myself out of a perfectly functional aircraft, but you can do simple things, every day. Go to a new coffee shop. Go to a new store. Go investigate a new hobby you’ve never thought about before. Talk to someone you’ve never talked to before. Travel somewhere. Travel is so important and unfortunately, these days, you either — there are kind of 2 sets of people — they either travel a lot or don’t travel at all, even within their local area. Drive to Ojai. Drive to Santa Barbara. Drive up to San Luis Obispo like I did the other day, and do a conference. Engage with the people and the new things around you, because that will fuel the rest of your life. Even if you don’t see how that’s going to apply. Even if you don’t see how archery is going to apply to your life, you’ll learn something.

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