Audio: Doubting yourself and your work — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Doubting yourself and your work 

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

Everyone, no matter their work, has to face their own doubts throughout their career. We may be working well, but then an unknown or difficult problem or situation can come about that makes us wonder if we are as good at our work as we once thought. In most cases, we are up to the task, but this period of doubt can cause us to struggle. If you let the doubt overwhelm you, it can harm your work and damage your career.
I can tell you from personal experience that times when you suffer under self-doubt are the hardest periods of any career. Not only do you start to doubt your work, but you begin questioning everything else about your life, from the place that you live to the company you keep. Multiple setbacks, laid on top of one another can send me into a deep funk that sometimes seems endless. Despite that, I always know, in the back of my mind that these problems will end and this doubt will pass. You need to keep those same thoughts in your mind whenever you are going through a difficult period. It might be the only thing that keeps you going some days.

Read this entire column – It’s not obvious to them

Listen to this Podcast

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