Archive: Personal networking isn’t optional anymore — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Personal networking isn’t optional anymore

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

Facebook. MySpace. Twitter. LinkedIn, Plaxo. Pownce and a hundred others. We are inundated with social networks these days with more being created every week. As with any new trend, there are the detractors that bemoan the loss of “real” friends to the passing acquaintances of online “friends.” Whatever you might think about the usefulness of social networking sites, it becomes clearer every day, to me, that personal networking, facilitated by online tools, isn’t optional anymore. If you want to raise your career to new highs and reap the benefits of serendipity that they provide, you have to engage with these services. Yes, you can do it on your own terms, but I urge you to do it, today.

Read this entire column – Personal networking isn’t optional anymore

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