What is success…and why you might have it already! from CareerCampSCV 2012 [Video] (38:34)

What is success…and why you might have it already! from CareerCampSCV 2012 [Video] (38:34)

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Douglas E. Welch (http://douglasewelch.com/career) presents “What is success….and why you might have it already!” at CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2012 (http://careercampscv.wordpress.com)

There has been a “perversion” of the meaning of success these days with only the extremely famous or rich being labelled as successful. Douglas’ definition of success is “if you can support yourself and and your family doing something you love.” Success is not black or white, it has many shades of grey and we are wise to remember it.


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