Treat every career like an entertainment career from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Treat every career like an entertainment career from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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What would happen if you treated your carer in the same way as an actor, a musician or an artist? What if you considered yourself a freelancer no matter where you worked or for whom? What if you saw every job as a stepping stone to a CAREER and not just another step in an endless string of “just to get by on ” jobs?

Now, of course, I don’t mean that you should start acting like some of our most at risk stars involved in drugs, alcohol  or a highly publicized 27 day marriages. Your goal is a long and productive career, not a a bright shining moment that ends in a crash. In fact, these bad examples can often be more useful than good examples. They warn us of the dangers and pitfalls to avoid.  The good examples then serve to give us a guideline as to how to handle our career paths.

Read this entire article – Treat every career like an entertainment career from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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