Video: No Longer Growing from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — Douglas E. Welch presents “Transition as the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on February 27, 2015.

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Also mentioned in this talk is “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North”, an Amazon Kindle booklet

Video: No Longer Growing from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch



Now, I know, it seems, How can you have too much stability in our lives? I mean, we strive so hard for our cars, our houses, our children, our families, but what it means is we actually forget how to transition. We forget how to engage in change. Just like a muscle that doesn’t get used, it starts to atrophy and that “risk muscle” that we all need in our lives, for big and small things, starts to atrophy. We get stuck. We get stalled by our own success, is actually the phrase I have in my notes here and I’m sure you’ve met people like that. They have a decent job with a decent company and they hate it, because it’s boring. They are totally stable. They are, what we would all seem to subscribe to as — that’s a perfect job. It’s stable. It pays well. It doesn’t have a 3 hour commute. Whatever. 

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