Audio: Looking for the Next, Better, Job from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — Douglas E. Welch presents “Transition as the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on February 27, 2015.

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Also mentioned in this talk is “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North”, an Amazon Kindle booklet

Listen to Looking for the Next, Better, Job from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch



Now, I will not stop looking for the next, better, job. Does that make sense? Too often — as I said earlier on — we stop looking. We get that job and it’s (WHOMP) “I don’t have to worry about that anymore.” Because it’s stressful to worry about that stuff. It’s — you got to be thinking all the time “Who am I meeting? What am I doing?” and we do tend to say “Ahhhh” thank goodness. I don’t need to worry about that anymore.” But I encourage you, don’t do that, because what will happen is, you will be blindsided by something that’s totally outside your control and won’t have prepared for what is really an eventuality for all of us. All of us now will have multiple jobs in our careers. We will often have multiple careers in our lifetime. We need to be thinking about that. This is not the “30 years and a gold watch” environment.  

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