Archive: What to do when you don’t like what you do anymore — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

What to do when you don’t like what you do anymore

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

It happens to all of us at one time or another. After years of working in the same area, the same job, the same company, we start to wonder if that’s all there is? Familiarity breeds contempt, the old saying goes and that is certainly true in work. Too much of the same, year after year, can leave you feeling less than fulfilled. Of course, the big question becomes…now what?

Like most topics I write about here, this one hits close to home. I have had to face this issue on many occasions over the years. It seems a necessary part of any career. If we don’t re-evaluate what we want out of a career on a regular basis, our life has a way of making us face the issue. It matters little if I am working in a corporate job or for myself, a bad day or week can quickly make you question your work and career choices. Just the other day I was wondering how many more times I can show Word users how to create a table, email users how to use BCC or remind people that they really need to backup their files. These are obviously necessary and billable tasks, but sometimes getting paid to do your work simply isn’t enough. You need to reach out for something new and, more importantly, more fulfilling.

Read this entire column – It’s not obvious to them

Listen to this Podcast

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