Archive: Teaching and sharing are an important part of any career — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Teaching and sharing are an important part of any career

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

In the past, you might have been told to jealously guard the secrets to your success and only give away as much information as it took to achieve your goals. Each piece of information you had, that someone else lacked, gave you a bit more power — a bit more leverage. You would tie people to you, knowing that no one person had all the answers — all the secrets. This was the path to career success. The goal was to make everyone so dependent on you that they couldn’t dare fire you. If you haven’t already figured this out, that world is no more. Using such behaviors today is more likely to get you fired rather than build your career. 

Read this entire column – Teaching and sharing are an important part of any career

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