Archive: Start building some independence for yourself — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Start building some independence for yourself

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

It is the 4th of July, Independence Day here in the US, where we celebrate the founding of our nation. If you haven’t read the declaration recently, there are some truly stirring words to be found there, starting with “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” While we all may be created equal, the circumstances of our lives are quite different. In many cases, we find it hard indeed to seek out “…life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…” in the ways the signers first imagined. We are constrained by so much in society today, both culturally and economically, that we each need to form our own “declaration of independence” and seek out that happiness we all so deserve. 

Read this entire column – Start building some independence for yourself

Listen to this Podcast


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