Archive: How are you treating those around you? — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

How are you treating those around you?

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

Starting tomorrow, I want you to arrive at your work — whether in an office, retail store, support phone line or other service job — and imagine that everyone you deal with is NOT an idiot. Imagine that everyone is NOT out to make your life miserable. Imagine that everyone is NOT actively sabotaging your work. Imagine. Now, do more than imagine. Act as if all that is true. Act as if the people you meet each day are normal, decent people who want nothing more than to complete their transaction with you and move on to the next item on their agenda. If you do this I can guarantee that you will have a day unlike any other. You will find that work is a pleasure, not a chore. You will find that people are nice and interesting. You will find that, while there are some grumpy people in the world, for the most part, everyone just wants to get along.

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