Video: Second Career Prescription – Start Blogging from Career Prescriptions with Douglas E. Welch

From “Career Prescriptions” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch)

Watch this entire presentation – “Career Prescriptions” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch



The next thing I would like all of you to try is to start a blog — if you don’t already have one. Some of you may already have one. Does anyone have a blog? Ok. (inaudible) A blog is whatever you want it to be. That is actually a great comment. A blog doesn’t have to be — I think sometimes the mainstream press says “This is what a blog is! I’m talking about my cat!” You know, it’s like, No! There are blogs that talk about people’s cats, but there is some other, amazing content, amazing writers, amazing photographers, amazing musicians out there who also have blogs and use them in entirely different ways. The reason I want you to start blogging is each and every one of you has something unique that you know and something unique that you really, really, care about — something you are passionate about. Whether it’s your cat, your train collection, your garden, your trees, whatever. We all have something to share with the world. It’s that word share that is the most important thing. We gain value from sharing what we know with others. 

Douglas is writer and host of Career Opportunities, a long running column and podcast dedicated to “Helping to Build the Career You Deserve!” Career Opportunities began in 1997 as a magazine column and expanded to a podcast in 2004. Douglas is also a New Media Consultant, Technology and Career Consultant with over 30 years experience in high-tech. You can find all of Douglas’ work at

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