I am starting to ramp up production of my next Career Opportunities book and I am looking for a few good advisors/editors to help me make it as great as possible. This will involve “crowd sourcing” this advice — having a number of people look at and comment on what I am producing.
The next book is tentatively entitled “It’s Your Career After All: The Best of Career Opportunities – 2003-2012.”
This will be a collection of columns from the eight years since I produced “The High Tech Career Handbook” back in 2003. Additionally, though, I am looking to expand on the previous material with sidebars, comments, annotations, links and more. This is where the advisors come in.
I am looking for perhaps 10, dedicated, advisors to help me with the creation of this book. This number might change as I move forward, but I my thinking is that 10 people can easily coordinate and communicate both with myself and their peers over the course of the book’s creation.
At this point, of your work, I am offering a free electronic copy of the book and Advisory Board credit in the book when it is completed. That said, I am hoping that you will get more from your advisory role than just a book. I think the conversations we have around the various topics could offer a great chance to think deeply about your career and hopefully jumpstart you on to some unforeseen adventures.
To be clear, this will be a lot of work. Right now the collected Career Opportunities columns run to about 50K words. With the additions I already have in mind, I can foresee the final word count to be around 75K words. While I will ask everyone to suggest edits and corrections, I am, more importantly, looking for questions that need to be answered, expansions that bring more value to the existing text, new areas of thought to be explored.
Are you interested in joining me on this journey? Email me at career@welchwrite.com and let me know your level of interest in the project. What special qualities do you bring to the table? I would love to have a wide range of advisors — in age, in skills, in careers — so that the book provides as much value as possible.
Thanks for reading and listening to Career Opportunities!