Video: Social Media and Your Career Panel – Part 2 of 4

Part of Social Media Week 2011

Building the career you deserve means becoming both director and promoter of it–No one cares as much about your career as you do. This means taking the lead in ‘Telling people what you do and how you do it!” Social media provides the tools needed to develop the jobs and projects that make one’s career unique and fulfilling.

This panel will give practical information about how to use social media to build the career you desire. We’ll talk not only about the “why” of social media, but also about “how” it can, and should, be used, so that you are in control of all aspects of your career.

Watch “Social Media and Your Career Panel – Part 2 of 4” – iPod Ready Video

Panelist and Moderators


Visit Social Media and Your Career blog for complete bios and links

  • Jennifer Oliver O’Connell
  • Douglas E. Welch
  • Susan M. Baker
  • Marla Dennis
  • Colton Stenke
  • Denise L. Cook



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