Now in our 6th year of Helping to Build the Career You Deserve!

Career Opportunities podcast logoSix years as a podcast. Thirteen years as a column. Hundreds of thousands of words and several hours of audio. Advice. Interviews. Video….and more! This is where Career Opportunities has been. September 24, 2010 marks 6 years to the day of the posting of my first podcast, which happened about 2 weeks after the term was coined. I have seen podcasters come and go, and seen the slow burgeoning of the New Media market. Who knows where the next 6 years might lead us, but I am guessing I will still be there, writing, recording and releasing through whatever technology comes along.

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What is Career Opportunities about?

I was talking with some fellow social media folks at a recent event here in LA, and the discussion turned to my Career Opportunities. I found myself explaining what it was before I really thought about it, but I think the description fits better than many others I have come up with over the years.

While you as a reader may have a different description, for me, Career Opportunities isn’t about writing resumes, interview skills or pay raises. It is all about you. It is about finding a career that fulfills you and makes the best match to your skills and desires. It is about taking the right job, not just the job that presents itself. It is about doing what is right for you, even if your company doesn’t think it is right for them. It is about thinking and working as a freelancer, even when working for a large corporation.

Your career is all about you. You take all the risks, you do all the work, you face all the consequences of your decisions. You should be able to build the career you deserve, not labor under someone else’s idea of what is best. They don’t have to live with your career — you do.

What would you like Career Opportunities to be?

A n anniversary is a great time to review the past and look to the future. This is your opportunity to tell me what you like best about Career Opportunities and what you would like to see in the future. Many of these columns grow from my own personal experiences in my career and I am sure you have great examples, questions and ideas that could serve as the basis for future columns. What challenges are you facing? What successes have you had? What advice could you use? Could you give? How is your career changing in the 21st Century and how would you like to change to meet it?

I know it can be hard to ask for advice or guidance about your career. I face that every day. We don’t want to reveal doubts or issues for fear that people will think less of us or use those doubts against us. I would still love to hear what you have to say. Send in your questions using direct email and I will craft an answer directly for you and an anonymous one for the other readers of Career Opportunities. You will doing everyone a favor. I can guarantee you that if you are facing an issue, many other readers and listeners are facing a similar issue and could benefit from bringing that issue to light.

If you have questions or comments you can and send them to blog posts on the web site, post them as discussions on the Career Opportunities Facebook Fan page, send them to the @CareerTips Twitter account or email them directly to me at whoch ever makes you feel more comfortable.

What new developments are happening at Career Opportunities?

There are always new things happening here at Career Opportunities. One of my biggest projects recently has been founding and organizing a series of CareerCamp unconferences here in the Los Angeles area. Based on the comments by attendees, these events have been an unqualified success. I am thrilled and amazed at the energy and knowledge people bring to CareerCamp events and I am actively involved in organizing our next CareerCampLA and also planning events in San Diego and elsewhere. I have also been releasing the CareerCamp presentations in the Career Opportunities feed so you can have the benefit of the CareerCamp information no matter where you might be. If you would like to organize your own CareerCamp, check out the information at the CareerCamp International web site.

I am looking forward to another year of Career Opportunities and I hope you are, too. Send me your feedback, questions and ideas. Please spread the word however you can. Use the social media links on the web site to share on Twitter, Facebook and others. Ask your friends to read and subscribe. I thank you and I think they will thank you, too.

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