Archive: Beware the Pundit – April 1, 2005

(This podcast is pulled “from the archives” and presented here as a service to more recent listeners — Douglas)

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I am sure you have seen this before. A new technology is announced and it takes only moments before writers across the globe start to predict its demise. There is a rush to discount the new technology in a hundred different ways, explaining, in great detail, exactly when and why it will never work. I wish I had such foresight. Imagine the riches that would follow if you were able to know these things with such certainty. Of course, as you already know, most pundits are wrong most of the time. This is one major reason I steer clear of such “pile-ons”. I would much rather help people find the technologies that work for then instead of worrying about those that may, or may not, fail.

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