New Food: Fried Radicchio with Chicken Breast – Leftover Mashup

If you subscribe to my Pinterest page, my @douglaswelch Twitter account or my Google+ feed, you know that I am always finding recipes I want to try. This series, New Food, will highlight some of those finds as we make them for the first time in our own kitchen. Then, I’ll report back to you on the results — for better or worse! — Douglas

Fried Radicchio with Chicken Breast – Leftover Mashup

New Food; Fried radicchio with chicken breast

New Food: Radicchio Risotto - 06New Food: Radicchio Risotto - 03New Food: Radicchio Risotto - 02New Food: Radicchio Risotto - 01

Today’s recipe is a bit of a mashup from last week. We cook at home a lot, so there are always significant leftovers to be put to use. For today’s lunch, I poked around in the fridge and came up with this leftover mashup.

First you take some of the friend radicchio from last week’s Radicchio Risotto. Then, fry or grill some boneless chicken breast. We had some left over from our chicken, mashed potato, veg dinner a few nights ago. Heat these up together, add a bit more spice, or different spices as you desire. I added some more salt and black pepper (which I love) to balance the relative sweetness of the radicchio. You could also add in some balsamic vinegar. I don’t use this when making the radicchio for the risotto, as I think the vinegar would overpower the risotto. In this mashup, though, I think it would bring a nice kick to the flavors.

Fried Radicchio with Chicken Breast – Leftover Mashup


1 head radiccchio
1 Tblsp Olive Oil
1/2 cup white wine
*Balsamic vinegar (optional)

Mozzarella or Parmesan Cheese

Pre-cooked fried, baked or grilled chicken bread (1-4 depending on how many people you are serving) 


Chop radicchio into strands. Heat 1Tbls olive oil in skillet
Add salt and pepper to taste
Toss with tongs until wilted
Add 1/2 cup white wine
Cook until wine is absorbed an evaporated.
Add 1 tdsp balsamic vinegar, if desired

Slice or chop cooked chicken breast and add to radicchio to reheats

Plat up and top with mozzarella or parmesan cheese, if desired

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