Summer is finally here! – End of the Day for June 4, 2014

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Tomorrow marks the end of the school year for both Rosanne and Joe, so Summer can finally begin in earnest. Joe didn’t get the job he applied for, so I have been looking more closely at projects we have been wanting to do together. There will definitely be some gaming video production taking place over the next month or so. He has wanted to do it for a while and now he will finally have the time. I have a couple of ideas for some “newbie” gamer series, giving my first impressions on games and also having Joseph “coach” me. These should be quite funny considering our work dynamic together. (SMILE)

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The garden has also been quite neglected during this semester, so I figure a bit of work should yield some more videos to share on that topic, too. I haven’t been producing a lot of garden videos lately because, frankly, I haven’t been paying much attention to it. Life often intrudes into pursuits like gardening and food, so these projects fall by the wayside much too quickly. I hope by combining the interests — gardening, gaming, videos, youtube, etc — we can have a little fun while also producing some new, fresh, content.

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Rosanne is off to Columbia, Missouri this weekend to work on a new project for Stephens College. I’ll have more to say about his in the future, but it is a great project as it combines her love for television with her academic work seamlessly — and the majority of work will happen right here in Los Angeles. I think that this could be one of the best opportunities she has received since her days as a full-time television writer — if it all works out. There are lots of things to coordinate and compete before it all comes together, but I think it will all work out quite well in the end.

As for me, I have a new media project that happens next week and just scheduled a career-related speaking engagement in Simi Valley during the month of August. CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) will also be happening again on July 12, 2014 and I will be there to give at least one talk and one breakout session — maybe more. I consider myself the Founder Emeritus of CareerCampSCV now. Anthony, Lonnie, Risa and the other staff at College of Canyons have turned this into one of their premiere events each year and have it working like a well-oiled machine. I do a little of the tech and social media work, but they do all the heavy lifting these days. It is great, as now I can just show up and participate for the most part. This is exactly what I wanted to happen when I first started CareerCamp so many years ago. CareerCampSCV is the longest on-going CareerCamp and a shining example of how well it can work.

 Find more info on CareerCampSCV here

I be sure to share more information here as the other videos, projects and events move forward. I am looking forward to a great Summer and wish you the best Summer possible, too!


Previously on End of the Day:

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