Overwhelm: The Survival Guide by Leo Babauta [Shared]

Overwhelm: The Survival Guide by Leo Babauta

Overwhelm: The Survival Guide [Shared]

Feeling overwhelmed with work and personal tasks is one of the biggest problems that the people I work with are facing.

It turns out, our lives can be pretty overwhelming.

There’s so much to do, never enough time to do it, and who knows what we should be focusing on? We’re always behind, barely treading water. That’s our usual experience of life, it seems.

What can we do? It turns out, there are some powerful things we can practice with overwhelm, and there are some practical things we can do as well.

What follows is meant to be a kind of survival guide – not only how to survive your overwhelming life, but how to turn it into a life of joy and impact.

There are a lot of things below, which ironically can be overwhelming. Pick one, and try it.

Read Overwhelm: The Survival Guide 

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