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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Video: Rose Montage from the O'Connell's Garden

We were visiting friends today -- sitting around the pool and munching on summer foods -- and their roses caught my eye. I spent a few minutes capturing the video for this montage, just wandering from bush to bush and taking it all in.

iPod Ready Video

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Roses on my walk - PaD 4/29/07

Rose Picture from Flickr.com
Roses on my walk
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
As I mentioned in my last Gardener's Notebook podcast, the roses in the neighborhood are putting on quite a show this year. Here are a couple of cameraphone shots as I took my walk around the neighborhood today.
Roses on my walk - PaD 4/29/07 Roses on my walk

* Previous mentions of roses in A Gardener's Notebook

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