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Sunday, November 28, 2004

Gardening Gift Guide

Good Enough To Eat: Gift ideas for the gardeners on your list
Seattlepi.nwsource.com - Thu Nov 25, 03:52 am GMT [News4Sites - Gardening]

Here is one (of what I am sure will be hundreds) gift guide for gardeners. You might find something for yourself on this list, too!

The Catalog Influx Begins

It isn't even December yet, but the gardening catalogs have started to arrive here at AGN Central. Of course, you don't need to wait for the paper catalogs to arrive. Youc an always check out Google's Catalog Search and indulge your richest gardening fantasies without leaving the comfort of your computer.

Here is a search to get you started...

Google Catalog Search: Gardening

Friday, November 26, 2004

Poinsettia Purchase and Care

The Telegraph in the UK has an excellent article on the selection and care of this extremely popular holiday plant.

Dreaming of a red Christmas

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Our large mid-day meal is over and we are all sitting around digesting, printing photos and otherwise playing around with our comptuers....of which we are extremely thankful. More and more people in my family make their living directly from/with computers these days. I am in the Palm Springs area at the moment, at my sister's, our traditonal Thanksgiving meeting place.

Before I left the house this morning I noticed that the azaleas in the front garden had started to bloom and the lavender we recently planted is taking hold very well. All of the roses have perked up dramtically since we had some rain. It looks as if we will have a "rose tide" along the driveway in just a few days.

Lots of cleanup needs to be done before our big, annual Holiday Open House. Mainly this will entail blowing the leaves, picking up sticks blown down by the winds and general neating. It is always a good excuse to do some work in the garden. I seem to need an excuse these days as other activities are keeping me away.

I am thankful for my garden and the joy it brings me and my family. It doesn't take a lot of work to keep it inviting, but sometimes we have to remind ourselves to enjoy it.

As we launch into the holiday season, try to remember that your garden is a gift you give to yourself, your family and your friends. Enjoy it as much as you can!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Web: Backyard Wildlife Habitat Info

Do you want to create a Backyard Wildlife Habitat, or simply learn how to make one better?

The National Wildlife Federation has a section of their site dedicated to all the info you might need. You can can even have your backyard certified as an official Backyard Wildlife Habitat.

On the site you can also take an online course on creating habitat or view video from the Today Show.

Via Delicious gardening links

Monday, November 15, 2004

Fall Color Update

Photographer and writer Carol Leigh has updated info on places to photograph Fall colors in California, including an update about locations in Los Angeles.

Click for photos from Fall 2003

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Leafless trees

The change in the neighborhood and my garden is quite dramatic this time of year. Even though we have many evergreen trees here in California, many deciduous species have been planted, especially in the tree lawns of the neighborhoods.

The disappearing leaves open up new vistas that I haven't seen in 12 months. The mountains to our north and south are suddenly visible again, as are the houses themselves. Many of them have sat behind the deep shade and foliage of their Japanese Mulberry trees, catalpa and even a few maples, here and there.

As I take my evening walks, I love the sound of crunching leaves underfoot. That sound, and the smell of decomposition, brings a deep, resounding message of "Fall." The season usually doesn't last long here in Los Angeles, but this year it seems to be holding court longer than is common. I am enjoying it.

I have a nice mix of evergreen and deciduous plants in my garden, so I get the benefit of both. The evergreens keep it from feeling entirely bare and exposed, while the others bring a feeling of the change of seasons. My wisteria is dropping its leaves, too, and this remind me of the need for a major pruning before it leafs out again. It has taken over its trellis and become hopelessly tangled and matted after years of neglect. I think a good pruning will increase the chance of bigger blooms in the years to come, even if my bad pruning style reduces the bloom this year. I also need to do some trellis repair that can only be accomplished with the most of the vines removed.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Book: Radical Landscapes

Radical Landscapes: Reinventing Outdoor Space is something akin to the glossy, high-fashion magazines and fashion shows, only directed at gardening. While the average gardener probably wouldn't want to implement these radical garden designs. they are great ways to spur your thinking and help you develop new ideas for your garden.

Additionally, public designers will find some great ideas that have already been implemented, along with some information on how the design works with public usage. The photography is excellent and many of the designs include drawings and in-depth discussions of the concepts and thinking behind each design.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Hmmm..not enough water

After the rains of the last 2 weeks, the roses in the front garden beds have come alive again. I honestly thought several of them had died, but luckily appears that they were just heavily dormant.

I am never quite sure how much water to apply to the roses in the dry season and it appears that I was under-watering by a fair degree, at least in this one particular bed. The soaker hose system was working, but the plants clearly weren't getting enough moisture. I have been watering by time in this bed, but I think I am going to have to invent a way to measure the outflow from the soaker hose in a more scientific fashion so I don't let things get so bad when Summer rolls around again.

I am thinking something along the lines of putting a pie pan under one section of the hose and measuring how much water is collected in a certain number of minutes. Does anyone out there have experience with this type of problem? Leave a comment below and let me know what you did?