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Monday, March 30, 2009

Can New Media Save A Gardening Club?

Dan Blocker, Malibu, CAImage by imagebysp via Flickr

Reading today's LA Times, I came across this article, "Malibu Garden Club Trowels for New Members." This is a story being repeated all over the world, for all sorts of clubs. This is yet another example of multiple aspects of my life coming together. In this case, gardening and New Media.

Reading about their difficulties in attracting new members, I immediately saw where New Media could assist them greatly in improving the visibility of the group and reaching out to new, younger, more digital members. Under the auspices of my group, New Media Interchange, I sent them a note offering to help them expand their New Media reach and pointed out a few ways to get started. I think this will be a great case study to cover for New Media Interchange that can show the methods and benefits New Media can offer any group.

I am waiting for a reply from the club, but I hope they are interested in working with me to expand the reach of their group and help it survive for many more decades.
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