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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Douglas quoted in "Composting - The California Garden - Los Angeles Times"

As I figured when I gave a phone interview with Joe Robinson from the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago, only one quote made it into his article on compost...

'"I'll be at a Hollywood party and all of a sudden we'll get into a riff on composting," says Douglas E. Welch, a computer consultant and backyard composter in Van Nuys who has a blog called A Gardener's Notebook.'

...but something is always better than nothing, especially the mention of the name of this blog. Although a URL and link would have been even sweeter. Mainstream press seems reluctant to give out URLs. I imagine they are afraid a given URL might expire and redirect readers to something nasty.

Nevertheless, I shall bask in my one-quote glory for today, at least. (SMILE)

The California Garden - Los Angeles Times By Joe Robinson, Special to The Times

"The little wigglers double as heroes of composting, which is no longer seen as merely a fringe solution."

SHARING lunch with students at the Santa Monica College cafeteria one recent afternoon are a couple hundred thousand lowlife diners that most folks would only be caught dead with. Inside a giant, hydraulically operated bin behind the kitchen, 800,000 red wiggler worms are chowing down, as they do 24 hours a day here and at an increasing number of homes and eco-leaning facilities in Los Angeles. It's part of a makeover as dramatic as anything since a mouse got named Mickey.

(Continues on web site)

(Via The Los Angeles Times.)


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