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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Big Purple Flower - PaD 7/14/07

Originally uploaded by dewelch
I have no idea what this huge flower is that I found while walking around the campus of Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri.

Can anyone tell me what this might be?


Blogger Connie said...

Hi, Not sure how I stumbled onto your blog, but I enjoyed the browse.
That flower looks like a Hibiscus.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Sylvana said...

That is clearly a hardy hibiscus. I grow them in my garden - well one variety anyway "Plum Crazy". I love them and they always get comments as you can understand!

That one is a beauty.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Keri Dearborn said...

Yes, most definately a hibiscus. And you call yourself a gardener? Douglas, Douglas, Douglas...

9:04 AM  
Blogger Douglas said...

In my own defense, and you can't see the scale in the photo, these flowers were the size of dinner plates, 10+ inches across. I am used to the smaller varieties we have here. (SMILE)

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These beauties grow all the way up to zone five. They are late to come up, and early to die back - but those huge and exotic flowers are so worth it!

Also they are suspectable to cutworm attacks. Such tender things.

12:06 PM  

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