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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Wisteria in Spring

Wisteria in Spring
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
I got a few moments today to take some photos of this year's wisteria growth. I am always amazed at how fast the leaves can unfold and the vines can grow.

Still suffering from bronchitis, but the unseasonably warm weather and bright sunshine made me feel a bit better. I was able to work with my son to get the birdbath cleaned, the feeders filled and we even pruned the lemon tree back to a more manageable size and healthier habit.

Then we took our well-deserved rest and a cold glass of grape juice. I know it might seem cliche, but it is the simplest things that bring me the most joy.


Blogger Vic Grace said...

Just came to check how spring is shaping up in your garden. Nice to see the new shoots of your wisteria. It will be end of May or early June before we see green I expect. Hope you feel better soon

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be in a different climate zone, as my wisteria 5 miles away from you is not showing any green yet


3:32 PM  

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