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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Announcing the 1st Annual "Mouse & Trowel Awards"

A new garden blogger and web site award from the folks at In The Online Garden. Put in your nominations and votes today!

I only wish that had a garden podcasting category. (Pout)

Announcing the 1st Annual "Mouse & Trowel Awards"

So we garden bloggers were wholeheartedly ignored by the Bloggies. That's all right. We're a niche. And a bit of a quirky one, at that. But it doesn't change the fact that there are so many garden bloggers out there who put a lot into their blogs. We all have those blogs that we check every day, the ones we look forward to when we log on. And there are thousands of blogs out there that I haven't had a chance to visit. I think---no, I know---that it's high time that we had our own little recognition ceremony.

So, I started the Mouse & Trowel Awards.


(Via In the Garden Online.)

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Blogger Colleen said...

Thanks, Doug! How could I forget podcasters? Nominations just started, so it's early enough for me to add this very important (and cool) category. Best Podcast will be added to the Mouse & Trowel nomination form sometime this weekend. For anyone who's already submitted a nomination form and would still like to nominate a podcast or three (like, oh, maybe Doug's podcast....) just shoot me an email over at In the Garden Online and I'll add it to the tally.

4:16 AM  

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