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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Elsewhere Online: Gleanings from Old Gardening Books

It looks as if the Google Books project is starting to gain some momentum. The gardening blog, May Dreams Gardens points out several old gardening books that are available, in full, from Google.

I did a quick search on Audubon and birds and turned up even more information.

You can specify in your search whether to show all books in the system or only those that are totally viewable online.

Gleanings from Old Gardening Books

I explored Google Books this evening, an evening that is rainy, damp and cool and more like the end of September than the eve of September. Brrrrr… I am wearing long sleeves!

A few days ago, Google announced that they have added a download feature for books that are in the public domain. That drew my interest and I started searching through some of the books. I’ve just started looking and here are some of my finds: (Continues)

(Via May Dreams Gardens.)

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