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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Elsewhere Online: Harvesting & Keeping Seeds

Fall is coming and so is harvest-time, as Readymade magazine reminds us. Do you gather seeds in your own garden? I would love to hear your story.

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Harvesting & Keeping Seeds

With harvest season upon us, and many flowering plants moving past their prime, it's time to start collecting seed for next year's crop. While a certain amount of knowledge is handy, collecting and prepping your seeds is pretty darn easy. (Continues)

(Via ReadyMade Blog.)

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Blogger Loretta said...

Whaoh, another LA gardener/blogger- finally!

10:00 PM  
Blogger Douglas said...

Ah, heck -- I've been around for a while. Just not very good getting the word out, I guess. (SMILE)


10:17 PM  

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