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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Birds, bird feeding and bird watching - An Interview with Keri Dearborn - Part 1

Listen to the Podcast

You can find Keri's blog, AnimalBytes at animalbytes.blogspot.com

  • Music: The One by The Woodshedders, aka the Hot Club of West Virginia, courtesy of the PodSafe Music Network

    I'd love to hear what's going on in your garden. Post your comments here or email them to agn@welchwrite.com.

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    Anonymous Anonymous said...

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    4:30 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hello. Good day
    Who listens to what music?
    I Love songs Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton

    11:11 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

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    3:52 AM  

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