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Saturday, August 13, 2005

...but I thought...

I am slowing working through this large collection of papers detailing "Horticultural Myths." This could take a while.

Let me know if you find anything your disagree with in the documents, but they seems exceedingly well researched and written.

Horticultural myths

posted by jagbot

(Via del.icio.us/tag/gardening.)


Blogger Jenn said...

There are a few of them that I went in expecting her to be talking about something else, and then was surprised... (mostly on 'hocus pocus' sort of theories)

I was slightly disappointed in the companion planting one - after acknowedging a valid triad (the 'three sisters' of corn, bean and squash), I sort of expected a bit more of an open attitude at the end - but again - she went over to the 'hocus pocus' sort of processes and left a big hole in the discussion where it might be proven that plants might actually benefit from other plants in companion situations.

Overall, however, very good information, and a lot of stuff that folks in general would benefit from knowing. I've printed her directions for tree planting and plant to follow them this fall, when we put in a new redbud.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous gardensole said...

As an Horticulture educator at a major midwest university it was very satisfying to see this. I have booked mark this page to send to colleagues and students. It is a very sad truth that most of our country is science illiterate. Though some of these are not obviously wrong many are clearly off the mark IF you have even a basic course in biology, botany or hort.

I have been involved in studies required by our state government of snake oil products that are sold as cure-alls, ie. B-1. Though they were little more than extra fertilizer in their effect they were allowed to be sold because their claims we reasonably accurate.

As with everything, caveat emptor. If most people are woefully unprepared to deal with basic biology that includes commerce and politicians who preserve old wive tales for their own self benefit.

Thanks for posting this.

7:05 PM  

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