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Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Planting and moving

I picked up 2 Lady Banks roses (Rosa banksiae) on the cheap this weekend when I was visiting my favorite mountain town of Idyllwild. A small nursery there was closing out its inventory, now that the planting season is over on the mountain.

These roses went on each side of the trellis next to the front door. There has been a small pink rose there since we moved in 7 years ago, but it has never really down that well. I am hoping that these more aggressive climbers will make better use of the trellis.

In order to fit these roses in I had to move a large, mature rose that throws off lovely long canes of blood red roses once a year. I have no idea of variety, as it was also here when we bought the house. It has survived one move from the back garden to this location, so hopefully it can survive another move to the other side of the driveway. It might actually get a little more sun there as well. I left a HUGE root ball on the plant when I moved it, so I think it should be fine in its new home.

I was planning on moving these roses later in the Winter, but things always seem to happen differently than I plan. As it is, there are 2 more roses that will probably move out of this bed and into others. I will try and do this right after I prune them back in January.

Here in the San Fernando Valley, my roses never really go completely dormant. Even in January I am usually taking off blooms when I do my hard pruning. This is so different from Ohio, where gardeners need to do much more to protect their roses from killing and damaging frost and snow.


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