Dazzling Dahlias – 15 in a series – Growing and Caring for Dahlias via The Spruce
Dahlias are mid- to late season flowers that come in a vast array of colors and forms. There are small flowered bedding dahlias as well as plate-sized blossoms on 6 ft. plants. It’s hard to give an overview of dahlias when there is so much diversity.
Dahlias are often grown for their long-lasting cut flowers. There are some 30 species of dahlias and over 20,000 cultivars. Native to Central America, they have become darlings of plant breeders and flower shows and every year they become more dazzling.
Most of us think of dahlias as cut flowers. They do make exceptional cut flowers, but they also deserve some recognition as garden plants. Although they can be a little temperamental and fussy about the weather and growing conditions, many of the newer cultivars have been bred to be more reliable and easy growing.
Read Growing and Caring for Dahlias via The Spruce
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