Here are 2024’s public domain works, and how you can use them via Mashable [Shared]

Here are 2024’s public domain works, and how you can use them via Mashable

Here are 2024's public domain works, and how you can use them via Mashable [Shared]

Jan. 1, 2024 is Public Domain Day in the United States — the day a bunch of artwork from the past evolves into its final form: public property. Art that’s out of copyright exists for all of us to sequel-ize, rewrite, subvert, slice to pieces, and otherwise treat as our rightful inheritance. And yes, creators, you can make use of the latest public domain properties to make money. 

Think of it this way: in the bygone days of the public domain, entities like Walt Disney Studios took advantage of more favorable copyright terms to adapt relatively recent stories into blockbusters without paying royalties. For instance, when Disney made Pinocchio, the original story was public domain at the time, but it had been published roughly as far into the past of that time as the album Rubber Soul by The Beatles is to our past today. 

Read this entire article – Here are 2024’s public domain works, and how you can use them via Mashable 

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