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Monday, November 26, 2007

CVGeeks (Coachella Valley) Tech Community

CVGeeks screen shotAfter all my crowing about Heather, BarCampLA, Geek Dinners and all the other cool tech community events here in LA, my sister, Denise Welch, has stepped up and started CVGeeks for all the tech folks in and around the Coachella Valley.

Everyone tends to think of the Palm Springs area as nothing but retirees, but the tech community has grown greatly over the last several years with companies both large and small, entrepreneurial and corporate.

Their first Geek Dinner is scheduled for Dec 5, so pass along word to anyone you might know in the area.

CVGeeks also has its own community site at http://cvgeeks.ning.com/

Thanks to Heather and all of the BarCampLA crowd for showing the way to a more connected tech community, no matter where you might be.


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