What I’m Reading: The Anatomy of Fascism – 40 in a series – “…in incessant public meetings spiced up by uniformed strong-arm squads…”


“The growth of the Nazi vote from the ninth party in Germany in 1928 to the first in 1932 showed how successfully Hitler and his strategists profited from the discredit of the traditional parties by devising new electoral techniques and directing appeals to specific constituencies.35

Hitler knew how to work a mass electorate. He played skillfully upon the resentments and fears of ordinary Germans, in incessant public meetings spiced up by uniformed strong-arm squads, the physical intimidation of enemies, the exhilaration of excited crowds and fevered harangues, and dramatic arrivals by airplane and fast, open Mercedeses.”


Having done very poorly with an urban strategy in the elections of 1924 and 1928, the Nazi Party turned to the farmers.33 They chose well. Agriculture had prospered nowhere in the 1920s, because world markets were flooded by new producers” From The Anatomy of Fascism by Robert O. Paxton

Anatomy fascism

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