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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Video: Douglas guests on New Media Tea Time: Part 2

I had a great time recording 3 episodes of New Media Tea Time on Friday with Tracy Pattin and Danielle Gruen. Here is episode 2. You can watch it below or subscribe to the New Media Tea Time podcast in your RSS Reader.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

PodCampAZ is rapidly approaching and I am speaking again this year!

podcampazOnWhite286x100For the 3rd year in a row, I will be speaking at PodCampAZ, (November 14 & 15, 2009) which I consider to be the premiere New Media event for the Southwest. Even better, it's FREE!

I will presenting on 2 topics this year:

My Podcasting Workflow – Audio and Video – A Real World Example

Need some help getting your podcast started. Join veteran podcaster Douglas E. Welch as he takes you through his audio and video podcast process, including discussion on recording, editing, hosting, RSS and more. This is a “Real World Example” showing you the process Douglas has developed over years of podcasting and offering you lessons learned in the trenches.

Stay in control of your RSS feed

In order to maintain complete control over your podcast you need to guard access to your RSS feeds religiously. While services such as Feedburner and others can greatly enhance your podcasting RSS feeds, you need to take some basic steps to maintain control in case your RSS service disappears or tries to control your RSS feed. Learn how web site re-directs, Wordpress press plugins and more can help you maintain control over your RSS feeds and keep your podcast in your hands.

As you can see, I am concentrating on some of the nuts and bolts aspects of getting your podcast going. After doing this for 5 years, I understand how fun, important, enlightening, podcasting can be and I want to share that power with everyone.

About PodCampAZ...

It’s that time of year again – PodCamp AZ is coming to the University of Advancing Technology November 14th and 15th! PodCampAZ is a FREE networking media unconference, dedicated to blogging, video blogging, podcasting, social networking, and all other relevant media. At the heart of the unconference is the opportunity to have a conversation at large with those innovators which have created a successful blend of relevant media and put it to work for them. Speakers will address emerging trends and best practices on everything from print and radio to mobile, interactive web, and in real life information exchange. During PodCamp sessions, attendees are free to drop in, listen and learn about what is relevant to their needs, and if they choose to, move on to other sessions. You can also become an interactive part of the experience by sharing your knowledge as a speaker or stimulating ideas and asking questions as an active attendee.

If you are an established or aspiring blogger, podcaster, video blogger, or social media advocote and want to meet hundreds of people with the same interests, head over to podcampaz.org to get more information about this exciting event. And above all else, register to attend PodCamp AZ!

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Voice Registry Podcast-Tracy Pattin Talks To Warner Bros. Sound Supervisor Michael Lawshe & New Media Expert Doug Welch

Michael Lawshe pictureInternet radio play, “Prelude To A Revolution” about the American Revolution and the lead up to the signing of The Declaration of Independence was created, written and produced by Keri Dearborn, Michael Lawshe, Rosanne Welch and Doug Welch. Warner Brothers Sound Supervisor, Michael Lawshe and New Media expert Doug Welch talk about their internet radio projects and the impact of New Media and Voice Over.

Listen to this interview

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

IndyMac Bank, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and You - July 17, 2008

Want to understand what the current mortgage and banking mess is all about? This show, which I produce and co-host, helps to explain what is going on and why. -- Douglas

This week brought the collapse of Indymac Bank. Their collapse wreaked havoc in the financial markets, but it can have a greater effect on individual depositor's stress levels. This could be witnessed in the unnecessary bank run on Indymac this week.Mortgages Made Simple logoMany people do not realize they should not keep more than $100,000 in any bank. Insurance only covers up to $100,000 in deposits, any amount over that is negotiable to as low as 50 cents on the dollar. But for those who have a smaller amount on deposit, don't worry, you will get every penny back.

We also discuss Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's current troubles and why they are so important to the housing market.

If you have any questions you would like us to answer on our show, please call our listener line at 714-519-7833 or email mortgagepodcast@gmail.com.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Voice Registry Podcast- Tracy Pattin Talks To New Media Expert Doug Welch

This interview was recorded a while ago, but I am so glad it is being released. It sounds good and I get a chance to talk about all things podcasting with host, Tracy Pattin.

Voice Registry Podcast- Tracy Pattin Talks To New Media Expert Doug Welch

Doug Welch picture

Doug Welch has been podcasting since September 24, 2004, making him a veteran in the New Media industry. He is the founder of the New Media Interchange and produce/co-host of Mortgages Made Simple with Rick Gundzik. He also co-teaches with his TV writer wife, Rosanne Welch, at UCLA for Podcast and New Media for Writers, a 10-week course educating writers and others how podcasting, YouTube, Facebook and others can be used to further work and career.

right + click here to download podcast (9.8 MB)

(Via Voicebank.net's VoiceRegistry Blog.)

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Douglas on tonight's Typical Mac User LIve - Sept 23

I will be the guest of Victor Cajiao on this evenings Typical Mac User Live via Talkshoe.com.

We will be talking about all things Mac including the upcoming Leopard Mac OS X 10.5 release and concerns about updating, switching to a Mac and other Mac-releated concerns.

Join us LIVE on Talkshoe.com at 5 pm PDT/8 pm EDT tonight

You can chat live or call into the show for free and ask your questions LIVE, using the new Shoephone option in the free Talkshoe client software. Set up your free account now to be ready for tonight's show and future LIVE shows on Talkshoe,com.

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Douglas E. Welch Events, Speaking and Appearances Calendar

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Podcasting for Writers at UCLA Extension

Today the UCLA Extension calendar for Summer 2007 was released to the public. Among the offerings is our new class, Podcasting for Writers -- a 10-week online course.

If you, or someone you know, would like to join us for this class, here is the complete information.

Rosanne and I are really looking forward to the class.

Podcasting for Writers (Online)
X 430.27 Film & Television 3 units $525

Podcasting has given writers direct access to a worldwide audience and freed them from absolute dependency on television networks, radio stations, and publishers to buy and market their work. To the audience, podcasting is "what you want, where you want it, when you want it," while to the podcast creator and producer, it is the ultimate creative freedom. This course covers the current state of this new medium; the basics of writing for it; and strategies for publicizing your podcast and expanding your readers, viewers, and listeners. Guest speakers available via audio and video podcast interviews, live interactive podcasts, and video conferences introduce you to the variety of ways you can use the medium. The course goal is to develop your own podcast based on individual professional or personal needs, interests, and goals. For technical requirements click here. Enrollment limited to 18 students. Additional technical requirements: Students need a recording device with microphone that is compatible with their computer; built-in microphones on laptops are acceptable. Students must have Apple iTunes software and access to audio recording software, such as Audacity or Apple GarageBand, to perform course exercises. High-speed Internet connection is required.

Course Open Reg# T3254U

No Textbook Required

Online Course
July 5 - September 6
$55 nonrefundable.

Rosanne Welch, writer/producer; WGA member whose credits include five seasons as staff writer, executive story editor, and producer on the CBS series Touched by an Angel. Ms. Welch also has written for Fox Broadcasting's Beverly Hills, 90210; Picket Fences for CBS and David E. Kelly Productions; and is the author of The Encyclopedia of Women in Aviation and Space.

Douglas E. Welch, writer and computer consultant, whose work has been published in Wired, MacWorld, and Los Angeles Times. Mr. Welch is a member of Friends in Tech, and produced his first show, Career Opportunities, in 2004. He has written and produced over 300 individual episodes and conducts podcasting seminars for schools and businesses.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Learn how to subscribe to a podcast

Learn How To Subscribe LogoEven if you listen to my podcasts directly from the web site, or see the Subscribe links on this page, you still may be wondering what this "subscription" thing is all about.

Well, here is a video that shows you exactly how to subscribe to podcast using iTunes or the Juice podcatching client.

Watch How to Subscribe to a Podcast

After you watch the video, you can use the links below to subscribe to My Word and and receive each new episode automatically.

Subscribe with iTunes

Copy this link to Subscribe using other podcatching clients or RSS feed readers

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Monday, April 30, 2007

A Gardener's Notebook Promo

A Gardener's Notebook LogoHave you heard about one of my other podcasts, A Gardener's Notebook? Would you like to share it with others?

Here is a promo that you can share with your friends or place in your own podcast.

Play -- A Gardener's Notebook Promo

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Monday, April 23, 2007

On Podcasting (and Blogging): Blogging and Podcast Tech Meetup

I was doing some thinking during my son's ball game tonight and my mind turned back to 2 recent experiences. Both times, I was sitting around with friends who are not really tech geeks like myself. That said, the conversation eventually turned to blogging and podcasting, which they each do in a small way.

These conversations ended up spinning out into mini-conferences on all the great new tools there are available, the conventions of blogging and podcasting (how most people do things) and how to figure out the tech side in order to get some great projects moving forward.

Tonight, via Twitter (you can find me at dewelch), I floated the idea of a Los Angeles-based meetup to talk blogging and podcasting tech. I get together with other groups to chat about content and such, but we NEVER have enough time to share ideas about how, technically, to accomplish some of our ideas.

While I certainly don't know everything, I think I know enough to help facilitate such a group. Nothing pleases me more than getting someone blogging or podcasting, even in a small way. While the site may be rough around the edges or the podcast a bit unrefined, I love the fact that I helped people to get their message out there. I have met enough people, with enough varied knowledge, that I think we need to get together and share that knowledge. There is a pent-up demand for this information. People are just dying to talk about it.

So, if you have any interest in getting together over drinks, food or whatever, for a short tech demo, followed by massive and useful Q&A on all things blogging and podcasting, drop me a line at myword@welchwrite.com. The main goal is to get the information you need to take the next step with your blog or podcast.

While this meeting will be hosted in LA, there is nothing really stopping us from sending out a ustream.tv stream or a Talkshoe conference call to anyone else who wants to join in. Why not use some of these new tools to spread the word? (SMILE)

Let me know what you think!

Here are some possible points for discussion:

  • Blogger
  • Wordpress
  • TypePad
  • MySpace
  • RSS feeds
  • FeedBurner
  • Web Hosting
  • Libsyn
  • Flickr
  • Recording and Editing Audio and Video
  • Advertising
  • Categories
  • Technorati
  • Amazon Affiliates
  • CDBaby
  • Directories
  • iTunes and its Quirks
  • ...and much, much, more!

Read more: Previous "On Podcasting" posts

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Become your own video broadcaster!

Have you ever wanted to become a broadcaster, sending your show out to tens or hundreds of people?

uStream.tv might just be the answer to your dreams. Using only your webcam, web browser and Flash plugin, you can be broadcasting to your friends, family or the world.

Here is a test run I gave the service with some of my fellow Friends in Tech members. It was done using only the built-in web cam on my laptop.

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TED Talks give you deep learning...for free!

TED Conference Web Site Screen ShotTED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and it is one of the most exclusive conferences in the world. That said, you can now see hundreds of the talks from TED from the comfort of your own computer.

There are talks on Technology, Science, Culture and more from some of the best known names in the world, including Bill Clinton, Jane Goodall, David Pogue and Frank Gehry.

The TED.com web site brings the world's foremost authorities right into your home or office. Check it out, but don't blame me if you lose yourself there. Of course, your time will be very well spent.

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue (Bob Tedeschi/New York Times)

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue — THOSE who don't have $6,000 or enough prominent connections to get into a TED conference can take heart. The price of admission just went to zero, provided you can settle for a more remote experience. — The TED organization …

Source: New York Times

Author: Bob Tedeschi

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/16/technology/16ecom…

Techmeme permalink

(Via Techmeme.)

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Douglas' Article in Podcast User Magazine

Podcast User Magazine pageMy profile of Goodnight Burbank producer, actor and writer Hayden Black, appears in this month's edition of Podcast User Magazine.

You can download the entire magazine as a PDF file from the link below.

"Born in Manchester, England, Hayden Black moved with his family to Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the early 80s. Little did he know at the time, in days long before podcasting existed, that this would lead to a very popular video podcast that has boosted his entertainment career to new levels.

As he sat at Art’s Deli in Studio City, California, enjoying bagels and lox, Hayden beamed as he recounted his latest publicity success, a ‘Best of the Web’ mention in the print edition of TV Guide. Hayden’s light and proper English accent lends a sense of elegance to his speech, despite his California casual attire." (Continues)

Link: Podcast User Magazine #15

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Douglas speaks at SongsAlive Los Angeles Workshop - April 1

Douglas E. Welch photo"Podcasting: Your Own Private/Public Radio Station"

SongsAlive Los Angeles Workshop

Sun. April 1 2007 1pm - 4pm at The Coffee Junction

Invented out of the already existing pieces of the Internet, MP3 audio files, web sites, weblogs and RSS feeds, Podcasting opens up a new way of communicating your music to the world. Easy, fast and cheap, you can be podcasting your words, music and commentary to your friends, your fans or the entire world in a few hours. Imagine your own radio station where you pick the playlist, you choose the message and you get to talk directly to those who are most interested in your work. Podcasting allows listeners to have what they want, when they want, where they want it, and you can use that freedom to your advantage.

Join Douglas E. Welch, computer consultant, author and podcaster (and a so-so guitar player), as he introduces you to the terms and tools of podcasting, gives an update on the current state of podcasting and shows you just how easy it can be to get started.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Live Reading: Love Letters from History - Valentine's Day

Update: 2/14/07 10:30 pm): High-quality audio is now available for your listening pleasure if you couldn't make it to the LIVE reading.

Love Letter GraphicJoin us for a LIVE reading of Love Letters from History this Valentine's Day at Talkshoe.com.

We will have a series of letters available for reading and you can call in and read LIVE along with our cast of players.

A LIVE Reading of Love Letters from History

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @ 9 PM EST/6 PM PST

Download the script to follow along or read a selection

Want to join us online, read this post for a guide on How to Join Our LIVE Shows for FREE

Previous WelchWrite Specials:
A LIVE Reading of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

On Podcasting: A Presentation to the IABC in Los Angeles, California

Photo of Douglas E. Welch by eecueThis edition of On Podcasting is a recording of my presentation to the IABC LA (International Association of Business Communicators, Los Angeles), including a very in-depth question and answer session.

Listen to the Presentation

Previous "On Podcasting" articles:
On Podcasting: Freedom
On Podcasting: Money, money, money
On Podcasting: Belkin TuneStudio
On Podcasting: 2 years ago in podcast history...
On Podcasting: It's just a hobby, right?
On Podcasting: Podcasting and Education Panel from the Expo Audio
On Podcasting: My Podcast Process
On Podcasting: GoDaddy.com - Web hosts that don't host
On Podcasting: The Why, How and What of Podcasting - from BarCampLA 2006 Audio/Video
On Podcasting: Talking to the "old" media
Douglas interviewed on The Red Fence Project Video
Douglas on YourLA Video
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