Holiday Cookie Baking Day #7: A little kiss and some Christmas Holly

I ran out of a few critical supplies to make one more, new, recipe, but I finished off the last 2 batches of my main cookie list.

Cornflake Holly

Cornflake Holly

These are the first treats gone from the table each year. We only make a few and people snap them up almost the minute they come through the door. The original recipe says to form them into wreaths, but that is just waaaaaay to much work. (SMILE) Holly is much easier.

This is a twist on the typical rice cereal treat that everyone makes. Substitute cornflakes for the puffed rice and I think it has a much better flavor and consistency. The addition of the cinnamon candies is required, I think, as it adds a little flair to what can be a fairly bland and overly sweet marshmallow base. These are a bit goopy to deal with, but it only takes a shirt time to make and makes a wonderful centerpiece for the table each year.

Peanut Butter Blossom (Kiss) Cookies

Peanut Butter Blossom (Kiss) Cookies

Our guests love these well-known cookies (one of my own favorites) and they are usually the second to run out on party day. They take a little more work than I usually like and are a bit hard to store, but they are popular enough to warrant keeping them on the yearly list.

As I mentioned before, the combination of peanut and chocolate is a big winner for me, so I would probably continue to make these, even if only for myself.

As of today, we are basically done. Everything made now is an extra. I have a cranberry bar recipe I want to try out and I am thinking of trying to make eggnog truffle squares, instead of the rolled ones, which tend to be a mess to make. I am also feeling the hankering to cook up a batch of No-Bake Cookies (1-Minute Cookies). I like them, but the guests didn’t. Sometimes to just have to something for yourself.

I will bake the last batch of icebox cookies on the day of the party, as well as make my traditional 20 quarts of chili to feed everyone who is here around dinner time.

I’ll keep you informed as preparations continue.

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