…but Mom, he followed me home! — End of the Day for February 5, 2014

End of the day LogoLook what followed me home today!


 It isn’t the first time that I have discovered a lost animal in the neighborhood. In fact, I would guess this is about my 4th one, although this one comes with no collar and no tags. I am hoping he just escaped from a neighbor’s yard, but as I type he is curled up nearby. He barely barks, seems to have grown up around cats and is very friendly and well-behaved, so I am guessing he is a long time family pet. I have the cats locked away in a different part of the house, but he has shown no desire to chase or bark at them in any way.

Now, before you say it, No, I don’t really need a dog. I love dogs and grew up with them most of my life, but they are a big commitment compared to an indoor house cat. I plan on taking him to our vet, who is thankfully just up the street, and have him scanned to see if he has a microchip. Hopefully that will allow us to reunite him with his owners, who are probably missing him greatly. If not, we will have to go the old-fashioned route and post a few signs in the neighborhood. We have already post noticed to our local neighborhood NextDoor.com site and Facebook pages. Perhaps that will turn up something.

Rosanne saw me sitting with him outside on the back stoop, before I decided to have him inside for the night and I could hear the worry in her voice. “We don’t really NEED a dog, you know. Someone is sure to come find him.” I must admit, I was feeling mighty comfortable having a dog at my feet again, but not enough to actually want one full time. For me, dogs are like grandchildren. You love to have them around for short periods of time, but very, very happy when you can send them home to their parents. (LAUGH)

So, wish me luck tomorrow in finding his owners and getting him back home!


Previously on End of the Day:

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