What I’m Reading: The Mueller Report – 94 in a series – “Manafort became a close and trusted political advisor to Yanukovych during his time as President of Ukraine.”

“Through Deripaska, Manafort was introduced to Rinat Akhmetov, a Ukrainian oligarch who hired Manafort as a political consultant.852 In 2005, Akhmetov hired Manafort to engage in political work supporting the Party of Regions,853 a political party in Ukraine that was generally understood to align with Russia. Manafort assisted the Party of Regions in regaining power, and its candidate, Viktor Yanukovych, won the presidency in 2010. Manafort became a close and trusted political advisor to Yanukovych during his time as President of Ukraine.”

Excerpt From The Mueller Report: Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election Robert S. Mueller

“By the end of the 2016 U.S. election, the IRA had the ability to reach millions of U.S. persons through their social media accounts. Multiple IRA-controlled Facebook groups and Instagram accounts had “hundreds of thousands of U.S. participants.”

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