What I’m Reading: All The President’s Men – 46 in a series – “Then the committee would subpoena whatever documents and people were necessary…”

”Ervin began talking about the separation of powers, his belief that a certain article and certain section of the Constitution meant exactly what it said about the power of Congress. That, he said, was how he intended to investigate Watergate—by getting a resolution passed that would grant a special select committee the broadest possible subpoena power. Then the committee would subpoena whatever documents and people were necessary—in the Executive Branch and elsewhere. Like whom? Woodward asked. “Now, I believe that everyone who has been mentioned in your and Mr. Bernstein’s accounts should be given an opportunity to come down and exonerate himself,” Ervin said. “And if they decline, we’ll subpoena them to ensure they have a chance to clear their names.” He smiled, barely able to contain himself as his eyebrows danced. Even the CIA?”

All The President’s Men by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

All the presidents men 9781416527572 lg

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