What I’m Reading: Race, Riots, and Roller Coasters – 13 in a series – “…the universal symbol of Jim Crow…”

“The landscape of segregated amusements in the North and South did reflect the regions’ different legal structures. Rather than a “Whites Only” sign, the universal symbol of Jim Crow, a northern migrant would often encounter a “Members Only” sign.24 In order to circumvent the civil rights laws of the late nineteenth century and prevent lawsuits from black consumers, white owners created fictitious “clubs” at their pools, rinks, and parks..”

From Race, Riots, and Roller Coasters: The Struggle over Segregated Recreation in America by Victoria W. Wolcott

Race, Riots, and Roller Coasters: The Struggle over Segregated Recreation in America by Victoria W. Wolcott

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