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Thursday, November 05, 2009

What I'm (e)Reading...Robin's Nesting Place

Robin's Nesting Place is one of the many gardening blogs I follow. It is filled with some tremendous photography, like the post below. Like many blogs, Robin's Nesting Place is highlighting the changes that Winter brings to the garden.

I love hearing and seeing what is going on in other people's gardens, no matter where in the world they might be. The superior photography of this blog gives me a wonderful look -- almost like I am actually there.

Mosaic Monday- Frosted:
I woke up yesterday morning to a heavy frost on the ground. As much as I dreaded seeing it, it was actually quite beautiful. While still in my fleece pajamas and before coffee, I put on my coat and grabbed my camera and headed out to take a few pictures and enjoy the beauty of the delicate frost on my garden.

There is a late blooming sunflower that has just opened up and a few small roses on the Knock Out rose bushes. This frost pretty much finished up what was left of the cosmos.

I know a lot of people don't like the 'Purple Wave' petunias, but I love them and have them every year. They are so easy to grow from seed in my indoor growing system, I usually have a 100% success rate. There aren't too many flowers that I can say that about! When they start looking tacky in late summer, I cut them way back and they come to life again rewarding me with beautiful blooms well into autumn. They can withstand a significant frost and still look pretty. They can also withstand the heat and don't have to be pampered. Definitely a must have for me!

I'm linking today to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Mary, from the Little Red House. Hop on over and see her gorgeous fall collage!


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