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Thursday, December 06, 2007

What's on my Wish List #05

Instead of my typical holiday guide, this year I present a selection of items that I would love to receive for Christmas. Although I am a big technology hound, I don't often buy it for myself, so many of these items are sure to remain "wishes" for another year. -- Douglas

That doesn't mean the you might not find these items a great gift for yourself or someone you love.

#05 Victorinox 10-Inch Chef's Knife

I love to cook and I would really like some nice knives to speed my way through onions, potatoes and other raw ingredients. Most knives cost an arm and a leg, but recently Cooks Illustrated Magazine and America's Test Kitchen television show and book rated this knife as one of its top recommendations. Cool! Good AND cheap. Who can complain with that? Heck, for that price I would buy 2 or 3.

See also:
Victorinox Stainless-Steel 8-inch Chef's Knife

#04 TomTom GO 720 Navigation System

I have a pretty good sense of direction, but I also like to know where I am going and how long it is going to take to get there. I have been drooling over these high-end navigation systems for a while. Good to see some of them are starting to come down in price.

#03 Nikon D40X, 10 MP SLR Digital Camera

Heck, I'd settled for nearly any SLR-based digital camera at this point, but this one caught my eye in some ads in Sunday's paper. Time to step up in my photo quality, I think.

#02 iPod Touch

If can't get an iPhone I would gladly "fallback" to an iPod Touch. It has many of the great iPhone features,, but without the relatively expensive cell phone contract. It also has more storage than the current iPhone for podcasts and video.

# 01 Apple iPhone and iPhone Accesories

Always-on web connectivity, cell phone, music/video player and PDA in one. Who could ask for anything more? Especially since the big price cut a few months ago.

You'll find some other great gift ideas in The WelchWrite Store in association with Amazon.com.

Check out Douglas' Personal Wish List


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