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Saturday, February 03, 2007

First Daffodils 2007 - PaD 2/3/07

First Daffodils 2007 - PaD 2/3/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
I happened to notice this bi-colored daffodils peaking out of the leaves in the front bed. I think these are the first daffodils to flower for 2007. I have a bunch of King Alfred Daffs coming up, but none have flowered yet. I might just be me, but they look stunted this year. This wouldn't necessarily surprise me, as we have had a very dry Winter this year, perhaps the driest on record, if we keep to the current weather patterns. Temperature are supposed to be in the 80's early next week, Yikes! I'm not ready for Summer yet. (POUT)


Anonymous Philip Voice said...

Doesn't it just make you feel good when you see the first flowers of the year?

I was always pleased to see the snowdrops but I knew spring was just around the corner when the daffs bloomed:)

12:00 AM  

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