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Douglas' Events, Appearances and Seminar Calendar

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Event: Theodore Payne Foundation for Wildflowers and Native Plants

There is a lot going on at the Theodore Payne Foundation in December. If you are in the LA area, be sure to check out their list of events.
With the holidays just around the corner, now is a great time to invest some creative energy into your gift-giving activities. We're hosting a unique class here on December 2 that will showcase techniques for making a variety of ethnobotanical crafts perfect for the nature lover in your world. Oscar Ortiz teaches. Kids are welcome! See below for more details

December 2: Ethnobotanical Crafting Class

On November 11, instructor Oscar Ortiz presented a class on the uses of California native plants by the native people. Here's what one student had to say about it: "This was not just a class on native plant uses, but a mini-history of the indigenous people of the LA basin and coastal areas. It indeed put the spiritual beliefs in the context of the natural world, the misconceptions long held by the outside-looking- in point of view of anthropologists and the current activities of the Chumash & Tongva . . ." Another student said: "Better than my expectations! This class was very inspirational . . . "

...and ...

December 9: Pruning for Perky Perennials

As many native plants begin to slow their growth for the cool season, we can break out the shears and get trimming! Learn the ropes of proper pruning and tool care from Dr. Holliday Wagner, TP Nursery Manager and plant ecologist. Please bring your own clean, sharp shears if you have them and discover how to shape your precious perennials so they'll flourish, produce plentiful blooms and keep their vitality.

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. $15 for members, $25 for nonmembers. Call 818-768-1802 to reserve your space.

$30 for members, $40 for non-members

Please call 818-768-1802 to register.

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