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Saturday, January 28, 2006

How to Go Organic in the Garden

I am not totally organic in my garden, although I don't use herbicides or pesticides to any great degree. I do use a bit of fertilizer for the roses each month or so. I have a compost pile, but need to get it working better.

Still, here are some great ideas on how to move towards organic gardening in your own backyard, or back forty.

How to Go Organic in the Garden Take a proactive stand for the environment by starting in your own backyard. Go organic to make your garden a healthier place for every living thing.

(Via eHow.com: How To Article of the Day.)

Link: Previous Mentions of Organic
Link: The Organic Home Garden: How to Grow Fruits & Vegetables Naturally -- by Patrick Lima and John Scanlan
Link: Other books on Organic Gardening

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