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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Catalog: Garden Shed

Garden Shed Catalog

I was poking around in the Google Catalog Search last night and came across this catalog (although it looks more like a magazine) from Garden Shed. Even though it is an old catalog (2001) it contains some nice content and great photographs. I am always amazed at what I can glean, even from the oldest gardening books and magazines. In the computer world (where I do my work) a magazine is out of date usually before it even hits the newsstand. It is good to see something can hold its value a little longer.


Blogger Todd said...

Ideas.. yes, seems gardens do not go thru flavor of month, or decade. Today it only seems the size is a factor. We all can't be Napoleon now.

Fun book I bought was on Disney park gardens. Ready for the secret of keeping a Disney garden? Have an army replant every night after the guests leave.


12:15 PM  
Blogger Douglas said...

Yes, having worked at Disney (not the park) in the past I knew about constant replanting. We used to visit the park almost every week and I would always wonder at the entire replacements that had taken place in the meantime.

12:37 PM  
Blogger Stuart said...

I too love to reread all my old gardening magazines even if it's just for inspiration from a photograph or two.

9:05 PM  

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