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Thursday, June 09, 2005

Little by little

I took a few moments and finished up the tree pruning project in the front garden this afternoon. There were only 4 small trees left. They are of a slightly different variety and get less sun, so there was less to trim, so the work went fast.

I also got a look at what Rosanne has been working on in the front garden. She has attacked the grass and weed problem with a vigor and you can actually see most of the paths again. There is one short section left to weed, but it is a big difference. NOw we should re-lay some of the plastic edging and get some pea gravel or mulch on the paths before the weeds spring up again.

We had our usual tree person come in to give us an estimate. We have 3 trees -- 2 living and one dead -- that need to be removed. I still don't know how can have so many trees on this small property. The most pressing priority is an ugly Arizona cypress that is leaking sap all over our neighbors car. In the interest of maintaining good relations (they have been the BEST neighbors) we will probably have that tree removed first. The dead one will be next, though. We should get rid of it before the Santa Ana winds roll through later in the summer.

That is it from our neck of the woods. As the temperatures go up, the garden tends to slip into a bit of a slumber, so cleanup work is the word of the day.


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